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Make These 3 Small Business Marketing Strategies Your New Year’s Resolution In 2021

Learn affordable DIY ways to boost your small business in 2021!

marketing strategies 2021

Easy Small Business Marketing Strategies For 2021

Happy 2021! Every small business owner knows that if they want to be the top brand in their local area, they must market their business successfully online. Yes, even if you think that you don't have any competition currently you still need to market your business because one day someone else is going to want a piece of that market.

While many small business owners are aware of common digital marketing strategies such as web design, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and even running ads many small business owners are leaving money on the table by not coordinating their strategies properly and not doing some of the little things correctly that can add up to big rewards. While some digital marketing strategies are difficult, too time consuming, and too expensive to do yourself our experts at Digital Red Zone have come up with a few do-it-yourself strategies that your small business can easily use that will help make 2021 a much more profitable year.

social media marketing strategies 2021

Small Business Social Media Marketing Strategy:

Be better to your audience with your social media strategy. This year try not to sell through your social media platforms on every post in fact I would recommend limiting to maybe one post out of four where you are selling one of your products or services. Instead focus on content that your audience wants to digest that they find helpful, informative, and even sometimes funny.

Remember that social media marketing is “social” and with any other normal social situation in your life you don't go around telling everybody you meet about your latest deal or ask them to buy your new product or service right now. Let’s face it you wouldn't have very many friends if that were the case and you definitely wouldn't be invited to hang out in the future.

So, this year in 2021 the strategy with your social media marketing is to post content around your niche that will inform and entertain your audience. This could be something that shows how to use your product or service in a way your audience has not thought of before, it could be how to care for your product or service after the purchase, or something entertaining and funny using your product or service. Pay special attention this year to some of the questions people ask you throughout a normal day of business and write these questions down so your business can turn those questions into informative content that your audience will love. Chances are is if somebody is asking you that question, somebody else has that question, and your social media channels are a great place to provide the answer. It will help you look more authoritative and help your reputation as being the best product or service in your market.

email marketing strategies 2021

Small Business Email Marketing Strategy:

Stay in front of your past customers this year in 2021. People do business with other people they like and trust. Since you have already established that trust don't leave them out in the wilderness by themselves. Stay in touch! Let past customers know you are still around and you appreciate them.

One of the best ways to stay in touch with past customers is using email messages. In 2021 one of the best and most affordable marketing strategies you can do to increase referrals, increase repeat purchases, and enhance your brand is to use email marketing. 90% of small business owners do very little if anything with their customer email list. Your list is a great resource for your small business, in fact it's an actual goldmine for you if you would just pay it a little attention and use it to your advantage. The 10% of small businesses that do email market are generally providing very little useful content to their audience because they tend to over stuff an e-newsletter with information that may not be relevant to the reader thus their open rates decline and they don't see the benefit in sending out messages anymore.

Remember buyers have been conditioned that they shop through email. When you purchase something at Amazon (or any E Commerce store) after you make the purchase you have been conditioned that you are going to receive a message in your email to confirm your purchase. People use email to shop.

So as a small business owner rather than creating a monthly newsletter that showcases all your products and services this year let's segregate our email list into multiple lists of past customers based on the product or service they purchased. Send your customers short relevant messages only. A great way to stay in front of past customers is to send them short messages weekly or monthly telling him how to care for the product or service, letting them know new ways to use the product or service, or thanking them for being a past customer.

At the bottom of every message it's a great idea to add a PS letting them know that people who purchased this product or service oftentimes also purchase another product or service that is related (just like eCommerce stores might show you other products purchased based on what you recently purchased). We want to keep the messages short, on topic, and always ask for referrals. This again will help you become the top brand for your product or service in your area and stay top of mind with past customers. Please if you do anything to tweak your digital marketing strategy in 2021 make email marketing a priority for your small business.

reputation marketing strategies 2021

Reputation Management Strategy:

Build and keep your great reputation. Your reputation allows you to be more successful with all your digital marketing efforts. Just because a customer views your ad, sees your social media posts, or finds your website, you, the small business owner needs to understand potential customers are still going to compare your company against the competition and the number one way consumers do this is through checking out online reviews.

Many small business owners understand the need for reviews and understand they need a good reputation, but it doesn't become a process in their daily business to ask for reviews. Since it doesn’t become something they do and focus on getting reviews becomes a forgotten priority. In 2021 set some goals to get a certain number of reviews every month and make the process of asking for review part of your daily business practices. Just like you ask for payment of a product or service you need to be asking for a review. You can easily grab the review links from Facebook or Google and include them in your email campaigns, social media campaigns, and ask for reviews on your receipts. If you don't make it a priority for your business and don't set goals the reviews will not happen magically on their own. Having a five star reputation with a recent new reviews should be a top priority for your business this year.

The three strategies discussed in this article are all designed to be cost effective ways for the small business owner to increase the return on investment from your marketing budget in 2021. They take a little bit of time to implement but once they become part of what you do in your daily business processes, they work very well to maximize referrals, increase repeat business, create a branded audience, and will help make you one of the top brands in your local area.

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