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Google Search Console Security Update Improves Management of Ownership Tokens

Ownership tokens are used when people verify your site in Search Console, Merchant Center and other Google products. Sometimes people who had access to your profiles previously no longer should. This update will make it easier for you to manage access to these tokens, and to remove them when no longer required.



We’re rolling out further improvements to , incorporating capabilities related to unused ownership tokens management. Tokens are codes that can be used to verify website ownership in Google Search Console, Merchant Center and other products. In some cases, these tokens were left behind by mistake after the owners had moved on. We will be launching wrote in February 2023. What it looks like. You will find a screen similar to this in the user and permissions section of the interface. Click “remove”, to remove ownership tokens.

Here are the steps to take to manage these ownership tokens:Search Console’s user and permission managementVisit the improvements to the user and permissions management reportClick “Unused ownership tokens”

Choose the tokens you’d like to remove and click “Remove” (see screenshot below)Click “Verify removal” to get update for the unused ownership token

Search Console Token ManagementSearch Console Token Management

Why we care. It is important to make sure that only the correct people can access your data, and Search Console properties. Google’s Nir Kalush wrote: “The update released today allows you to verify the removal the verification token, so that the removed owners can no longer access the property.”So make sure you check your tokens. Remove those who shouldn’t have access.

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