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Bing now adds Bing chat answers to search results

Microsoft Bing added Bing Chat answers to the Bing Search results instead of using some of the answer boxes. It was obvious that this would happen, as Mikhail Parakhin (who leads up Bing Search) suggested it would.

This is a screenshot from one of the many queries that triggers Bing Chat in Bing Search:What actually happens

Bing Chat In Bing Search 800x570

. If you search in any browser on Bing, and this Bing Chat box appears, you will see the first answer. You can click on the Chat box to see more questions or send your message. However, Bing Chat is only available in Microsoft Edge until you are invited to the beta. Your journey with Bing Chat might end here in Bing Search. Microsoft shows you a small sample of Bing Chat’s power and invites you to join the beta.Why do we care?

The evolution of search with AI chat features is fascinating and important for marketers, publishers, and SEOs. If Bing will replace featured snippet-like responses with Bing Chat responses, that might impact click-through rates and traffic to your websites.

Here is one example of this happening right now.Hat tip to

for sending this to me.

Digital Marketing Expert
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